81)A researcher found that short people did well in research methods and tall people did badly, with people of average height scoring in the middle. The relationship between height and grade in research methods is a A)positive correlation. B)negative correlation. C)nonlinear relationship. D)curvilinear relationship. 82)A correlation of +.89 represents A)a weak positive relationship between the variables. B)a strong positive relationship between the variables. C)a perfect relationship between the variables. D)a weak negative relationship between the variables. 83)A correlation of 0.00 means that A)a mistake has been made in the computation. B)there is a perfect relationship between the two variables. C)there is no relationship between the two variables. D)the data points would fall on a straight line on a scatter plot. 84)The graphic technique used to represent the relationship between two variables is called A)a scatter plot. B)computer simulated correlation. C)marking. D)matrix algebra. 85)If we saw on a scatter plot that the dots were arranged in a straight line that fell from the upper left hand corner (top of the y-axis) to the bottom right hand corner (end of the x-axis), we could conclude that the correlation was A)negative. B)positive. C)zero. D)nonlinear. 86)In constructing a scatter plot, standard x- and y-axes are A)not used. B)labeled with the names of the three variables of interest. C)reversed so that the ordinate becomes the abscissa and vice versa. D)labeled with the names of the two variables of interest. 87)Which technique would be most sensitive to (i.e., would help you identify) a nonlinear relationship? A)The Pearson product-moment correlation. B)The Spearman rank-order correlation. C)A scatter plot. D)A t-test. 88)If a perfect relationship were represented on a scatter plot, the dots would A)fall in the upper portion of the plot. B)fall in a circular shape. C)form a straight line. D)be clustered near the x-axis. 89)The prediction of the value of one variable from the value of another is called A)variation. B)deviation. C)regression. D)standardization. 90)When the correlation between two variables is zero, the linear regression line would be A)horizontal. B)vertical. C)diagonal. D)curved. Â