13.Intrinsic reflexes are part of our internal wiring and are also called ______________ reflexes. a.neural b.spinal c.pacinian d.brain 14.The function of the withdrawal reflex (a.k.a. flexor reflex) is to: a.keep your head level while walking. b.hold your shoulders back while standing. c.get you out of a bad relationship. d.pull your body away from a sharp object. 15.The _______ reflex occurs in response to the sudden contraction of the flexors of one leg, and causes contraction of the extensor muscles of the opposite leg to prevent you from falling. a.flexor b.crossed extensor c.crossed flexor d.anterior 16.Tonus in the muscles is regulated by the ______________. a.chemoreceptors b.nociceptors c.proprioceptors d.None of the above 17.Which proprioceptor is responsible for the stretch reflex? a.Muscle spindle b.Golgi tendon organ 18.Which proprioceptor is responsible for inhibiting contraction in the muscle? a.Muscle spindle b.Golgi tendon organ 19.The pain reflex cycle often leads to what condition in the muscles? a.Hypertension b.Hypertonus c.Hypofunction d.None of the above 20.____________ is the narrowing of blood vessels that often accompanies tension in the muscle. a.Vasoinhibition b.Vasocompensation c.Vasodilation d.Vasoconstriction 21.If blood vessels are chronically restricted, a harmful state of ________, or limited blood flow, will have negative effects on the muscle tissues. a.ischemia b.inflammation c.hematoma d.None of the above 22.Which noxious chemical sensitizes nerve receptors to metabolic irritants? a.Bradykinin b.Serotonin 23.Which noxious chemical is a powerful vasoconstrictor? a.Bradykinin b.Serotonin 24.Reciprocal activation occurs when the antagonist muscle stimulates the agonist to contract. a.True b.False 25.Facilitation helps us to learn the body mechanics of performing massage. a.True b.False


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