21) Which term refers to confidence that a channel member is honest and benevolent? A) Commitment B) Motivation C) Satisfaction D) Loyalty E) Trust 22) Which term refers to the positive, affective response to the financial rewards generated by a channel relationship? A) Economic satisfaction B) Strong commitment C) Deep motivation D) Economic utility E) Intrinsic reward 23) Which term best describes the free merchandising seminars offered by Philip Morris sales reps in France? A) Selectivity B) Generic investments C) Economic satisfaction D) Channel commitment E) Idiosyncratic investments 24) Which of the following would LEAST likely produce noneconomic satisfaction in a channel relationship? A) Procedural fairness B) Coercive strategies C) Distributive fairness D) Information exchange E) Absence of dysfunctional conflict 25) Which term refers to gaining equitable rewards from a channel relationship regardless of daily interaction patterns? A) Procedural fairness B) Coercive strategies C) Distributive fairness D) Social capital E) Functional conflict 26) A channel member that receives equitable treatment on a daily basis regardless of the rewards derived from the relationship is most likely experiencing ________. A) Procedural fairness B) Economic rewards C) Distributive fairness D) Idiosyncratic benefits E) Generic channel investments 27) What is the most likely benefit of choosing a distributor that a supplier already knows? A) Mutual trust B) Shared target markets C) Ensured profitability D) Existing social capital E) Similar strategic goals 28) Why would a supplier most likely choose a channel partner with goal congruence? A) Distribution exclusivity B) Lower chance of conflict C) Expansion of social capital D) Knowledge of product market E) Reduced investment requirements 29) Which of the following would LEAST likely promote trust between marketing channel members? A) Daily interactions B) Mutual cooperation C) Formalized procedures D) Decentralized decision making E) Stable organizational environments 30) In terms of distributive fairness, low absolute rewards shared with a dealer most likely seem fair if ________. A) the dealer makes big investments B) other dealers are highly profitable C) the dealer has alternative uses for its resources D) other opportunities are appealing to the dealer E


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