Section 2Â Â Scheduling Issues 1) With forward scheduling, jobs are scheduled as late as possible within the time allowed by the customer due dates. 2) One criterion for developing effective schedules is minimizing completion time. 3) Process-focused facilities and repetitive facilities generate forward-looking schedules, but process-focused facilities do this with JIT and kanban while repetitive facilities generally use MRP. 4) What is the objective of scheduling? A) maximize quality B) minimize cost C) minimize response time D) prioritize and allocate demand to available facilities E) minimize lead time 5) The correct sequence from longest to smallest duration scheduling is: A) capacity planning, aggregate planning, master schedule, short-term scheduling. B) aggregate planning, capacity planning, master schedule, short-term scheduling. C) master schedule, capacity planning, aggregate planning, short-term scheduling. D) master schedule, aggregate planning, capacity planning, short-term scheduling. E) capacity planning, master schedule, aggregate planning, short-term scheduling. 6) Forward scheduling is the scheduling of: A) the end items or finished products. B) jobs as soon as the requirements are known. C) the start items or component parts. D) the final operation first beginning with the due date. E) jobs according to their profit contributions. 7) Short-term schedules are prepared: A) directly from the aggregate plans. B) directly from the capacity plans. C) from inventory records for items that have been used up. D) from master schedules, which are derived from aggregate plans. E) from the purchasing plans. 8) Which of the following is not an effectiveness criterion for scheduling? A) minimizing customer waiting time B) minimizing completion time C) minimizing WIP inventory D) maximizing utilization E) maximizing flow time 9) Which of the following considers process capacity when scheduling? A) cap loading B) constrained loading C) capacitated loading D) backward loading E) finite loading 10) Forward scheduling: A) begins with a delivery date, then offsets each operation one at a time, in reverse order. B) has the same meaning as “finite loading.” C) is often used in service environments such as catering a banquet or scheduling surgery. D) starts the schedule as soon as the job requirements are known. E) produces a schedule only if it meets the due date.


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