21.Prior to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, George W. Bush focused primarily on Iraq’s a.suppression of the Sunnis. b.supposed possession of weapons of mass destruction. c.1990 invasion of Kuwait. d.unwillingness to allow UN inspectors into the country. 22.Advocates of war with Iraq in 2002 stressed all of the following claims EXCEPT a.Saddam Hussein possessed biological and chemical weapons. b.Saddam Hussein had connections to the September 11 attacks. c.most Iraquis wanted to remove Saddam’s regime. d.oil was a vital American interest in the Persian Gulf region. 23.When Iraqi insurgents mobilized to oppose the U.S. occupation in 2004, a.American forces defeated the insurgency with little difficulty. b.the insurgents were weakened by a lack of Iraqi support. c.U.S. forces faced deadly resistance. d.Donald Rumsfeld admitted the invasion had been a mistake. 24.The first two weeks of the Iraq War were a.marked by confusion from far too many American troops interfering with each other. b.fought alone by the United States without the help of the British. c.a military success for the United States. d.fought with the help of French and Canadian troops. 25.In 2004, the presidential nominee of the Democratic Party was a.Walter Mondale. b.John Kerry. c.Howard Dean. d.Al Gore. 26.The main issues of the election of 2004 were a.the same as those in 2000. b.war and national security. c.domestic problems. d.the deficit and national debt. 27.Of the following, the most important domestic issue in the 2004 presidential election was a.drilling for oil in Alaska. b.steroids in baseball and other professional sports. c.the health effects of air pollution. d.the controversy over same-sex marriage. 28.In the 2004 election, George W. Bush a.won the popular vote majority he failed to win in 2000. b.became the second president in succession to win twice without a populat vote majority. c.won by an even closer margin than in 2000. d.won an easy victory, showing the nation was more united than it had been in decades. 29.This group in Iraq had the most power under Saddam Hussein. a.Kurds b.Sunnis c.Shiites d.Druze 30.Kurds are located in __________ Iraq. a.eastern b.southern c.western d.northern Â