81) Complicated and difficult-to-answer questions should be asked at the very beginning of the questionnaire before the respondent becomes fatigued. A) True B) False 82) The sections approach to questionnaire design organizes question flow from specific to general questions. A) True B) False 83) In determining approaches to question organization on a questionnaire, the most important guiding principle to keep in mind is how researchers will later be able to analyze the questions. A) True B) False 84) In questionnaires certain words are avoided because they are extreme absolutes, meaning that they place respondents in a situation where they must either agree fully or completely disagree with the extreme position in the question. A) True B) False 85) Computer-assisted questionnaire design programs try to ease the researcher’s task in designing questionnaires and often include “question libraries,” which contain standard questions for constructs often measured in marketing research studies such as importance, satisfaction, or usage. A) True B) False 86) Although computer-assisted questionnaire design programs allow for the development of questionnaires, only data analysis-dedicated software programs allow for the data to be analyzed. A) True B) False 87) Precoding refers to placing numbers on the questionnaire to facilitate data entry after the survey is conducted. A) True B) False 88) If a question has multiple possible answers, such as a question that asks a respondent to indicate “all that apply,” it requires special consideration in terms of coding. A) True B) False 89) Pretests of questionnaires for a study on toy buying by young parents can be done on colleagues in the research firm, as long as the colleagues are objective and have not been involved in the development of the questionnaire. A) True B) False 90) Pretests should involve at least thirty respondents to be able to calculate inferential statistics. A) True B) False 91) Terms like “price point” or “brand equity” are acceptable when the respondents are marketing managers. A) True B) False 92) “Since studies have shown that overweight children buy fast foods, shouldn’t ‘kids meals’ be healthier?” This question is leading with phonics. A) True B) False 93) “What brands of pain relievers did you see the last time you went to the store and bought some?” This question should not be used in a questionnaire simply because common sense dictates that respondents would not be able to answer it. A) True B) False 94) Each survey and its target respondent group may be unique, but a researcher can use a standardized introduction. A) True B) False 95) The use of screening questions help fulfill one of the five functions of a questionnaire introduction. A) True


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