11.The state of California desires to compare the academic achievement levels of their students to those of students from the state of Texas. Which category of test would be appropriate? a.Commercially available achievement battery b.State-developed achievement battery c.School-developed achievement battery 12.What test would be most appropriate for severely impaired students in special education in Texas? a.Reading Proficiency Test in English b.State-Developed Alternative Assessment c.Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills d.Texas Special Education Assessment 13.According to Education Week (2007) what was the only state that reported exclusively using an off-the-shelf test? a.California b.Colorado c.Iowa d.Ohio 14.Which of the following test preparation practices is recommended by the authors? a.Extensive use of practice forms of the test b.Instruction in generic test-taking skills c.Preparation emphasizing test content d.Preparation emphasizing test-specific item formats 15.The __________ is a brief achievement test that can be administered in 30-45 minutes. a.Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 2nd edition b.Wide Range Achievement Test 4 c.Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement d.Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities 16.Of the following test preparation practices, which would most likely have a narrowing effect on instruction? a.Instruction in generic test-taking skills b.Preparation emphasizing test-specific item formats c.Preparation emphasizing test content d.Preparation using multiple instructional techniques 17.Which of the following test preparation practices is most likely to produce increases in test scores associated with increases in mastery of the underlying domain of skills and knowledge? a.Extensive use of practice forms of the test b.Preparation using multiple instructional techniques c.Preparation emphasizing test-specific item formats d.Preparation emphasizing test content 18.Which technique can help make students more familiar and comfortable with the assessment process thus enhancing the validity of the score interpretation? a.Instruction in generic test-taking skills b.Preparation emphasizing test-specific item formats c.Preparation emphasizing test content d.Preparation using multiple instructional techniques 19.The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test (WIAT-II) contains which of the following subtests? a.Numerical Operations b.Letter-Word Recognition c.Math Fluency d.Story Recall 20.Which comprehensive individual achievement test battery is available in two parallel forms? a.Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 2nd edition b.Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement c.Wide Range Achievement Test 4


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