11)When research assistants went to measure participants’ height, they found the units of measurement (inches or centimeters) had not been specified by the researcher. This is an example of A)measurement error. B)measurement confusion. C)an incomplete operational definition. D)an incomplete practical definition. 12)One of the most common and powerful response-set biases is A)random responding. B)social desirability. C)social justice. D)prejudice. 13)Response-set biases are important sources of A)racial prejudice. B)mathematical errors. C)measurement error. D)attitudinal rigidity. 14)The best way of minimizing measurement error is to A)develop and use an excellent operational definition of the measurement procedures. B)check the data at least twice before entering it. C)be sure to employ the appropriate statistical test. D)give participants enough time to complete the research tasks. 15)In a questionnaire designed to investigate the social phenomenon of gossip, a respondent who answered that he or she never gossiped would most likely be engaging in the response-set bias of A)social desirability. B)measurement error. C)memory loss. D)repression. 16)One of the best ways to minimize measurement error is to A)develop well thought-out operational definitions. B)use several measures. C)use several raters. D)choose the appropriate research question. 17)An operational definition of a variable A)defines the variable in lay terms and is understandable to everyone. B)defines how the variable will be measured or manipulated. C)has nothing to do with the activities of the researcher, since the researcher should be blind. D)is the same as the dictionary definition. 18)Which of the following are NOT taken into account when operationally defining variables? A)theory. B)past research. C)the demands of the study. D)who is funding your research. 19)Which of the following are not part of operational definitions? A)Instructions to participants. B)Statistical analyses. C)Questionnaires used to measure the variable. D)Units of measurement. 20)Feelings such as sadness, stress, and fear can be studied by A)operationally defining a set of procedures for manipulating those feelings. B)practically defining a set of procedures for manipulating those feelings. C)operationally defining a set of procedures for directly observing those feelings. D)observing general behaviors. Â