Chapter 1Managing the Information Technology Resource1 Chapter 1 Introduction  True-False Questions 1. The Strategic Alignment Maturity Assessment Model is primarily concerned with determining how well the business and IT functions are integrated.  2. Customer satisfaction is one of Porter’s three primary strategies for organizations to achieve competitive advantage.  3. A responsibility of the Chief Information Officer is to participate in the development of corporate strategies.  4. Strategic planning is primarily concerned with short-term goals.  5. Operational activities are primarily concerned with day-to-day processes and actions.  6. Internet links, video, and sounds are forms of rich communication.  7. Generally, the CIO is the most senior IT executive and always reports to an executive within the financial function.   8. Information technology is often seen as a cost center that must have a return on investment (ROI).   9. In the departmental, or business unit view of computing, information technology has a task-based focus.   10. Hypermediation is used to describe the change in a business model where the middleman is essentially eliminated.  11. The fundamental roles and responsibilities of the IT function are the same regardless of whether you are involved in e-IT or legacy systems.  12. Reintermediation involves bringing together the various partners in a traditional supply chain in new ways utilizing the Internet.  13. An example of infomediation is using a search engine that aggregates information into categories.  14. Information technology impacts both support activities and primary activities in Porter’s Value Chain.   15. The IT-productivity paradox is defined as the disjoint between application programmers’ salaries and the lines of code produced by them.     Â


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