81) A sleep disorder that may require the use of a machine to force air gently into the nasal passages is called a. sleep apnea. b. insomnia. c. narcolepsy. d. cataplexy. 82) Jim is 56 years old and slightly overweight. His wife reports that he snores loudly. What sleep disorder seems to fit Jim’s symptoms? a. Narcolepsy b. Sleep apnea c. Sleep terror d. REM sleep behaviour 83) ___________________ is a disorder in which breathing briefly stops during sleep, causing the person to choke, gasp, and momentarily awaken. a. Sleep apnea b. Insomnia c. Narcolepsy d. Non-REM sleep 84) Which of these individuals has the highest risk for having sleep apnea? a. John, 62 years old, who is overweight b. Angela, 21 years old, who is depressed c. Alicia, 42 years old, who is suffering from anorexia d. Juan, 8 years old, who is experiencing episodes of enuresis 85) Sleep apnea is a disorder characterized by a. difficulty falling or remaining asleep. b. nodding off without warning in the middle of the day. c. difficulty breathing while asleep. d. experiencing temporary paralysis immediately after waking up from sleep. 86) Surgery to which organ in the body may relieve symptoms of apnea? a. Septum b. Tonsils c. Olfactory membrane d. Auditory canal 87) What rare neurological condition, also known as Sleeping Beauty Disorder, results in excessive sleeping for weeks unless medicated? a. Narcolepsy b. Kleine-Levin Syndrome c. REM behaviour disorder d. Cataplexy 88) Your friend has experienced excessive daytime sleepiness. He is laughing with you and suddenly falls to the ground. Your friend is probably suffering from a. narcolepsy. b. parasomnia. c. REM rebound. d. sleep apnea. 89) You are telling a joke to your friend who is laughing uproariously and then suddenly collapses to the floor. You are not surprised to later learn that he has a sleep disorder known as a. enuresis. b. narcolepsy. c. sleep terror. d. daytime insomnia. 90) Which of the following statements might help you determine if an individual has narcolepsy? a. “I have difficulty getting to sleep.” b. “I don’t have an adverse reaction to sleeping pills.” c. “I sometimes fall into a deep sleep in the middle of a conversation.” d. “When I get up in the morning, I have the feeling that I had really bad nightmares.”


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