2.2Â Â Multiple Choice 1) A specific ordering of structured activities with defined inputs and outputs best defines A) process. B) value chain. C) function. D) system. 2) Benefits of process improvements include A) improvements in project quality. B) increase in project value. C) improved efficiency and effectiveness. D) all of the above. 3) Which of the following is a collection of processes and knowledge areas generally accepted as best practices within the project management discipline? A) RAD B) PMBOK C) UCOK D) PMBPR 4) The PMBOK process groups include each of the following except A) executing. B) monitoring and controlling. C) maintaining. D) closing. 5) PMBOK knowledge areas include A) project quality management. B) project communication management. C) project procurement management. D) all of the above. 6) Coordinating all other project management knowledge areas describes A) project integration management. B) project communications management. C) project procurement management. D) project quality management. 7) Project scope management involves A) developing a project charter. B) collecting requirements. C) defining activities. D) acquiring a project team. 8) Developing schedules, milestones, and critical paths is associated with the A) initiating process group and the cost management knowledge area. B) executing process group and the communications management knowledge area. C) planning process group and time management knowledge area. D) executing process group and the risk management knowledge area. 9) Assessing the value and performance of the project and surveying satisfaction are associated with the A) planning process group and the time management knowledge area. B) initiating process group and the human resource management knowledge area. C) controlling process group and the scope management knowledge area. D) closing process group and the communications management knowledge area. 10) A systematic method to continuously augment how organizations conduct business and projects best defines A) process improvement. B) product improvement. C) value chain improvement. D) business process reengineering.


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