61) After a CS comes to elicit the CR, the CS now can be paired with a new neutral stimulus and this second neutral stimulus will start to elicit a CR. This process is called a. generalization. b. operant conditioning. c. higher-order conditioning. d. neoclassical conditioning. 62) When Molson Canadian uses highly attractive men and women in their beer commercials, what type of conditioning are they using? a. Positive reinforcement b. Instrumental conditioning c. Stimulus generalization d. Higher-order conditioning 63) Drew works for an advertising company and is trying to sell a new product called “day gogglesâ€. He knows he needs to make the day goggles appear cool and desirable, so decides to have well-known Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie wear his goggles. Despite his intensive ad campaign featuring the famous actress, he found little evidence that having Angelina Jolie in his advertisement affected preferences for his goggles and did not see any changes in sales. It is most likely that this outcome resulted from a. higher-order conditioning. b. latent inhibition. c. aversive conditioning. d. conditioned compensatory responses. 64) Which of the following is not a demonstrated application of classical conditioning to daily life? a. Advertising b. Fetishes c. Phobias d. Memory pills 65) Young Albert is initially not afraid of white rats but if white rats and loud noises are presented in sequence, Albert may learn to fear rats. In this example white rats would be the a. CR. b. UCR. c. UCS. d. CS. 66) In the “Little Albert†study, the fear-producing stimulus used as a UCS was the a. white rat. b. loud noise. c. fear of the rat. d. fear of the noise. 67) John Watson offered a live, white rat to Little Albert and then made a loud noise behind his head by striking a steel bar with a hammer. The white rat served as the __________________ in his study. a. discriminative stimulus b. counterconditioning stimulus c. conditioned stimulus d. unconditioned stimulus 68) Little Albert’s acquired fear of a white rat was a classic example of a(n) _____________________ response. a. classical counterconditioned b. conditioned emotional c. positively reinforced d. negatively reinforced 69) What was the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) in the case of Little Albert? a. A rat b. A loud noise c. A high chair d. A small enclosed space 70) What was the conditioned stimulus (CS) in the case of Little Albert? a. A rat b. A loud noise c. A high chair d. A small enclosed space