151) The major source of evidence supporting the dopamine model of schizophrenia comes from observing the effects of ________. A) neuroleptics B) barbiturates C) tricyclics D) hallucinogenics 152) One source of evidence supporting the dopamine model of schizophrenia comes from observing the effects of ________. A) MAO inhibitors B) barbiturates C) amphetamines D) tricyclics 153) High doses of amphetamines produce behaviour in normal people that mimics ________ schizophrenia. A) undifferentiated B) catatonic C) disorganized D) paranoid 154) High doses of ________ produce behaviour in normal people that mimics paranoid schizophrenia. A) amphetamines B) barbiturates C) phenothiazines D) benzodiazepines 155) Which of the following is NOT a true statement? A) Amphetamines can cause behaviour in normal people that mimics paranoid schizophrenia. B) Some negative symptoms of schizophrenia are associated with decreased dopamine activity. C) Phenothiazines inhibit schizophrenic behaviour patterns. D) Autopsies on the brains of schizophrenics show decreased numbers of dopamine receptor sites in certain parts of the brain. 156) Research evidence indicates that dopamine plays ________. A) little or no role in either positive or negative symptoms of schizophrenia B) a greater role in the development of positive symptoms than negative symptoms of schizophrenia C) a greater role in the development of negative symptoms than positive symptoms of schizophrenia D) an equal role in the development of positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia 157) It appears that ________ of dopamine is associated with ________ in schizophrenia. A) overabundance; negative symptoms B) underabundance; negative symptoms C) overabundance; both positive and negative symptoms D) underabundance; both positive and negative symptoms 158) Schizophrenia has been associated with abnormalities of chromosome _________. A) 5 B) 17 C) 21 D) 22 159) The prenatal complication of __________ has been associated with schizophrenia. A) prematurity B) breech position C) cord prolapse D) post-maturity 160) People with schizophrenia are MOST likely to have been born in the ________. A) spring B) summer C) fall D) winter


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