101) “If a response is followed by a pleasurable consequence, it will tend to be repeated. If a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence, it will tend not to be repeated.†This is a statement of a. the law of positive reinforcement. b. Rescorla’s cognitive perspective. c. Garcia’s conditional emotional response. d. Thorndike’s law of effect. 102) Thorndike’s research with cats led him to conclude that a. cats learn by insight and can grasp the nature of a problem. b. we all experience an “aha reaction†where we solve a problem and respond correctly after that point. c. all learning, in animals and humans, occurs by trial and error. d. learning that is strongly reinforced occurs faster and is less subject to extinction. 103) A box used in operant conditioning of animals that limits the available responses and, thus, increases the likelihood that the desired response will occur is called a a. trial box. b. response box. c. Watson box. d. Skinner box. 104) A Skinner box is most likely to be used in research on a. classical conditioning. b. operant conditioning. c. vicarious learning. d. cognitive learning. 105) Which theorist believed that most of learning occurred by trial and error? a. Thorndike b. Pavlov c. Watson d. Skinner 106) Regarding operant conditioning, which of the following is an example of negative reinforcement? a. A student turns in neater homework when the teacher praises neatness. b. A student is exempted from a weekly quiz for exemplary homework. c. A student loses earned free time for playing with lab equipment. d. A student is sent to detention for fighting. 107) In operant conditioning, _____________ is necessary to create the association between the stimulus and the repetition of a voluntary response. a. the law of negative effect b. reinforcement c. conditional emotional linkages d. a long time delay 108) A negative reinforcer is a stimulus that is ___________and, thus, ________ the probability of a response. a. removed; increases b. removed; decreases c. presented; increases d. presented; decreases 109) A grandmother gives her grandchild a cookie because the child cleaned her room. What is the cookie in this example? a. Punisher b. Positive reinforcer c. Negative reinforcer d. Conditioned response 110) Bill hates to clean up after dinner. One night, he volunteers to bathe the dog before cleaning up. When he finishes with the dog and returns to the kitchen, his wife has cleaned everything up for him. Which of the following statements is most likely true? a. Bill will start cleaning up the kitchen before he bathes the dog. b. Bill’s wife has positively reinforced him for bathing the dog. c. Bill’s wife has negatively reinforced him for bathing the dog. d. Bill will never bathe the dog again.