11.The Elaboration Phase of the Hutt adaptation of the Bender-Gestalt involves a)copying freehand the standard set of Bender-Gestalt figures b)modifying one’s original drawings to make them “more pleasing” c)telling the examiner what each figure reminds the examinee of d)increasing the specifics of what each figure reminds the examinee of 12.The Bender-Gestalt is most useful in diagnosing a)neurotic disorders b)schizophrenia c)depression d)organic dysfunction 13.Compared to the MMPI, scoring on the Bender-Gestalt is a)more subjective b)harder to interpret c)more time-consuming d)all of the above 14.The most likely explanation for the widespread scatter in subtest scores on tests such              as the WISC is a)lack of ability b)some clinical disorder c)low levels of subtest reliability d)incorrect scoring 15.The more subtests one gives, a)the lower the reliability b)the greater the likelihood of chance differences c)the less accurate the measurement d) all of the above 16.The primary classification of mental disorders in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (fourth edition) is based on a)Axes I and II b)Axes II and III c)Axes III and IV d)Axes IV and V 17.DSM-IV is essentially a a)psychological taxonomy b)physical taxonomy c)mental taxonomy d)medical taxonomy 18.A major change in the DSM-IV over earlier editions is that a)neuroses and psychoses are now differentiated from one another b)there is no longer any attempt to distinguish “organic” from “non-organic” syndromes c)social influences are not considered d)all of the above 19.The most serious criticism of DSM-IV is that a)there are not enough diagnostic categories b)there is no utility in psychological diagnosis c)it takes into account “comorbidity” in diagnosis d)it continues to rely on a categorical system of diagnosis 20.Differential diagnosis of psychopathology are useful only if a)differential treatment is effective b)actual differences do exist c)people accept their diagnosis d)all of the above 21.Research on tests such as the Rorschach, the Thematic Apperception Test, and the Draw-a-Person Test among others, indicates that these tests, as typically used in clinical practice, a)are not valid measures b)are valid for individual clinicians who find them useful c)contribute to the usefulness of clinical diagnoses d)contribute to the accuracy of clinical diagnoses 22.One of the most psychometrically sophisticated instruments commonly used for              neuropsychological assessment is the a)Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale b)Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised c)Bender-Gestalt d)Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery 23.The 7-Minute Screen is useful for a) diagnosing schizophrenia b) making initial diagnoses of learning disorders c) making initial diagnoses of Alzheimer’s disease d) identifying psychomotor coordination difficulties 24. Unlike most other testing applications, neuropsychological tests are sometimes most useful when administered in a) a group setting b) noisy or distracting conditions c) combination with other tests d) a set sequence that is held constant over examinees


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