6)Deception in psychology is A)standard in some areas of study. B)unnecessary and should be eliminated. C)always used in psychological research D)a threat to validity. 7)If deception is used in a research study, it is essential to  A)compensate the particpant handsomely. B)avoid obtaining informed consent. C)debrief the particpant before the study. D)debrief the particpant afterwards. 8)Doing research in a medical setting by performing harmless, unnecessary procedures without permission of participants is an example of A)valid biomedical procedures. B)unethical behavior. C)the tenacity of the physician. D)ethical, but questionable practice. 9)Psychological studies with human participants are A)just as risky as biomedical research. B)physically intrusive. C)subject to less ethical constraints compared to biomedical research. D)rarely physically intrusive. 10)The examination of highly personal and sensitive areas of psychological adjustment, often results in   A)debriefing.  B)deception. C)invasion of the participants’ privacy. D)data that has low validity. 11)Which of the following is FALSE regarding deception? A)If deception is used, particpants must be debriefed at the end of the study. B)Only some forms of deception place the participant at risk. C)It involves deliberately misleading study particpants. D)Deception can be used in research as long as important safegaurds are in place. 12)Ethical concerns over possible inhumane treatment of human research participants arose in response to A)the conduct of German researchers during World War II. B)Hiroshima. C)the demands of Amnesty International. D)American involvement in Vietnam and Cambodia. 13)Which of the following statements is TRUE?  A)It is OK to force people participate in s research study as long as you debrief them afterwards. B)It is never considered ethical to force people to particpate in a research study. C)Obtaining informed consent at the end of the study increases its validity. D)Informed consent is only necessary when deception is used. 14)A researcher who studies attachment behavior in people with anorexia without obtaining prior informed consent from participants would be considered A)ethical but forgetful. B)to be doing invalid research. C)to be doing creative research. D)to be unethical. 15)The most important safeguard that can be employed to minimize risks to human research participants is A)debriefing of participants. B)the use of coded data. C)anonymity of participants. D)


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