1) You are called to a commercial creamery where an employee got his arm trapped in the ice cream–mixing machinery. You note that the skin has been pulled off his hand and arm from the midforearm down. The patient’s muscles, tendons, and bones are exposed. This type of injury is a(n): A) Amputation B) Skinning injury C) Degloving injury D) Crush injury 2) You are assessing an assault victim and note a contusion over the abdomen. Which of the following should you remember while caring for this patient? A) Unless the contusion is over a critical area, such as the spleen or liver, the likelihood of serious injury is minimal. B) A contusion to the abdomen should always increase your index of suspicion for underlying injury. C) If there is no rigidity or distension of the abdomen, serious injury is unlikely. D) The significance of the trauma is related to the amount of pain the patient experiences on palpation. 3) A nonpenetrating injury caused by blunt trauma that damages blood vessels, causing pain and discoloration, is a(n): A) Ecchymosis B) Strain C) Abrasion D) Contusion 4) You have responded for an injured person at an address you know to be a motorcycle clubhouse. Your patient was attacked by another party with a broken beer bottle. Your patient has a large laceration on her neck with moderate bleeding. Which property of your dressing material is most important in caring for this patient? A) Occlusive B) Sterile C) Absorbent D) Adherent 5) The tough, fibrous sheaths that bundle skeletal muscle are called: A) Tendons B) Fibers C) Sarcolemma D) Fascia 6) Which of the following statements about crush injuries is most accurate? A) Only closed injuries can be classified as crush injuries. B) The actual source of bleeding in crush injuries may be hard to identify. C) A spongy sensation on palpation of the injured area indicates crush injury. D) Crush injuries are easily identifiable because they invariably result in deformity. 7) Which of the following is best described as the accumulation of a pocket of blood in the tissues? A) Hematoma B) Abrasion C) Compartment syndrome D) Contusion 8) The acute breakdown of muscle fibers in crushing injury is called: A) Myoglobinemia B) Sarcoidosis C) Rouleaux formation D) Rhabdomyolysis 9) When caring for an amputated part, which of the following principles apply? 1. Place the unwrapped part in a dry plastic bag, and seal it. 2. Place the part in a plastic bag with the part wrapped in gauze moistened with lactated Ringer’s solution or normal saline, and seal it. 3. Always transport the part with the patient. 4. Keep the part moist, and place it in a container of cold water. 5. Keep the part dry, and place it in an ice-filled container. A) 2, 4 B) 2, 3, 4 C) 1, 3, 5 D) 2, 5 10) You arrive on the scene of a patient with severe blunt trauma to the face. You hear gurgling as you approach the patient. After opening the airway with a manual maneuver, what should your next action be? A) Ventilate B) Apply a cervical collar C) Control the source of hemorrhage D) Suction 1


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