11.Tests that assess what a person can do are a) behavior observations b)self-reports c)attitude tests d)performance tests 12.A test measuring spatial aptitude would most appropriately be classified a(n) a)attitude test b)standardized test c)general intelligence test d)performance test 13.Assessment of typical performance in a specific context is done via a)behavioral observation b)behavior sampling c)performance tests d)self-reports 14.Clinical and employment interviews can be thought of as a)self-report inventories b) interest measures c)performance measures d)behavioral observations 15.A survey measuring individual attitudes toward baseball is an example of a(n) a)self-report inventory b)performance test c) interview d)behavioral observation 16.Tests of general intelligence designed to assist in the assessment of mentally retarded students were developed by a)Galton, Binet, and Pearson b) Binet and Guilford c)Simon and Simon d)Simon and Binet 17.___________ provided the impetus for the first large-scale group test development and administration in the United States. a)World War I b)World War II c)The Great Depression d)The Industrial Revolution 18.Tests are often developed due to a) war demands b) public outcry c)needs to make decisions d)greed of developers 19.Testing is widely used for a)college admissions decisions b)military classification of recruits c)industrial placement of employees d)all of the above 20.The _________ details tests in order to help the consumer select an appropriate test. a)Measurement Handbook b)APA Standards of Testing c)Tests and Measurement Catalog d)Mental Measurements Yearbook 21.In order to minimize abuse of testing, psychologists are professionally bound to follow rules stated in the a)Journal of Professional Ethics b)Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing c)Standards for Ethics in Education d)American Psychological Association Annual Report 22.Your best source for finding information on general testing theory and application would be a)Applied Psychological Measurement b)The Journal of Applied Psychology c)The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology d)The Journal of Educational Measurement 23.Legal issues in testing have become very central topics primarily since a)The passage of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution b)Wilson v. California c) Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection were developed d)The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Act of 1991 24.Individuals with training versus without training in psychology are a)more likely to recognize the limitations of tests they use b)only qualified to use tests if they are properly licensed c) less likely to use tests which require a great deal of interpretation d)both b and c