51)When participants are randomly assigned to conditions, A)potential confounding variables are distributed in a biased manner. B)potential confounding variables are distributed equally among the conditions. C)an equal number of participants is guaranteed in all conditions. D)there will always be an unequal distribution of males and females. 52)Randomization is used for A)participant selection only. B)participant assignment only. C)participant selection and assignment. D)neither participant selection nor participant assignment. 53)Randomization is A)the single most important control procedure. B)a relatively unimportant control procedures if you are using experimental design. C)not recommended in experimental research. D)one of the weakest controls. 54)Randomization in experiments is typically done using A)a coin. B)an abacus. C)numbers in a hat. D)random numbers. 55)Free random assignment works best with A)large samples. B)small samples. C)ad hoc samples. D)matched samples. 56)Randomization controls for threats to  A)internal validity only. B)external validity only. C)statistical validity only. D)both internal and external validity. 57)In ________ assignment of participants, participants are paired on a relevant variable and then one member of each pair is assigned to either the experimental or control group. A)paired B)matched random C)random D)matched ad hoc 58)Matched random assignment is used in situations in which random assignment would A)increase chances of unequal sample sizes. B)cause possible confounding because the groups may be unequal on key dimensions. C)not be possible because the researcher has too much prior knowledge about the participants. D)not be possible because the researcher has too little prior knowledge about the participants. 59)The most basic and single most important control procedure in assignment of participants to conditions is A)participants’ preferences. B)participants’ past performance in research. C)randomization. D)participants’ cooperation. 60)The only control procedure that can control for unknown factors is A)statistical control. B)repeated measures, within-subjects designs. C)randomization. D)


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