11) The shift to part-time work is the result of all of the following except a. rising educational requirements for jobs. b. increasing numbers of women in the workforce. c. a shift toward jobs in the service industries. d. a decrease in the need for people to stay in school longer. 12) Since the 1960s, the growth of information technology, global communications media, the service sector, global consumerism, integrated financial markets, and cultural pluralism have all contributed to this general social process: a. industrialization b. re-industrialization c. neo-industrialization d. post-industrialization 13) Sociologists divide the various jobs in the contemporary economy into three sectors: primary, secondary, and a. part-time. b. contingent. c. tertiary. d. functionary. 14) ___________ labour market jobs refer to jobs that provide stable and comfortable salaries, potential for growth, and promotion. a. Secondary b. Primary c. Tertiary d. McJobs 15) Your sociology professor works in this sector of the labour market: a. primary b. tertiary c. secondary d. post-industrial 16) Employment within a “profession” is characterized by social prestige, specialized knowledge, and: a. democratic decision making practices. b. unprecedented hierarchy. c. substantial vacation time. d. regulation by a governing body. 17) This theorist developed the concept of the “McDonaldization” of society. a. Smith b. Weber c. Ritzer d. Marx 18) Approximately what percentage of Canadian workers is unionized today? a. 10 b. 20 c. 30 d. 40 19) Which trend is not consistent with labour force participation and education levels in Canada? a. The education level of Canadian workers has steadily increased over the past few decades. b. The Canadian labour market has become increasingly knowledge-intensive. c. Over the past 15 years, university-educated workers have enjoyed the greatest employment growth compared to those with less than high school education, who suffered the greatest employment decline. d. According to Canadian statistics, staying in school provides limited protection against unemployment. 20) Which approach views work as an integral part of the social structure? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. feminism d. symbolic interactionism


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