56) What is an implied- in- fact contract? A) A contract that is created when a party’s intent to enter into a contract is unclear but the other party relies on a belief that promises have been made. B) A contract created when one party makes an offer that can be accepted only by performance. C) A contract created when an offeror provides a benefit to an offeree in a unilateral contract. D) A contract that is created by a mutual exchange of promises. E) A contract created when an offeree receives and accepts in silence the benefits of an offered service with reasonable opportunity for rejection and with an understanding some form of compensation will be required. 57) Which of the following is false regarding how the Japanese tend to view contracts? A) The Japanese have a preference for flexible contracts. B) The Japanese do not desire that any terms be left to be decided later. C) The Japanese tend to view contracts as ongoing relationships. D) The Japanese tend to view contracts as relationships in which parties work with each other to smooth out any problems that arise in performance. E) The Japanese tend to be suspicious of long, detailed contracts. 58) Regarding unsolicited merchandise received from a seller, what have most states done? A) Most states have passed laws providing that unsolicited merchandise does not have to be returned and the recipient may keep it as a gift, with no contract being formed. B) Most states have passed laws providing that unsolicited merchandise must be returned to the seller within 60 days. C) Most states have passed laws providing that unsolicited merchandise must be returned to the seller within 30 days. D) Most states have passed laws providing that unsolicited merchandise must be returned to the seller within 10 days. E) Most states have passed laws providing that unsolicited merchandise must be returned to the seller within 7 days. 59) Camila, wanting to sell a used business law book, calls Jada and tells her that if she does not hear from her within twenty-four hours, she will assume that Jada wishes to purchase the book for $50. Which of the following is correct regarding the status of the proposed book sale? A) Jada can avoid the creation of a contract only if she can prove by preponderance of the evidence that she did not hear about the offer before the stated expiration time. B) There can be no contract because the offer was not made in person. C) There is no contract because in this situation silence cannot be used to form a contract. D) Jada can avoid the creation of a contract only if she can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that she did not hear about the offer before the stated expiration time. E) There can be no contract because the offer was not made in writing. 60) Which of the following sets forth the common law rule that the terms of an acceptance must mirror the terms of an offer? A) The Parallel Rule B) The Matching Rule C) The Mirror Image Rule D) The Complete Rule E) The Exact Rule  Â


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