MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1.The opening vignettes of Chapter 13 illustrate common patterns regarding gender roles. Which of the following is/are among those patterns? a.Attitudes and behavior regarding gender are taken-for-granted assumptions about human social life. b.When assumptions about gender behavior are challenged the common responses range from disbelief to ridicule. Challenges calling for changes in gender roles are often resisted not only by those in power (males) but also by those with less power (females). all of the above 2.__________ refers to the biological characteristics distinguishing male and female. a.Sexc.Sexual orientation b.Genderd.Gender role 3.__________ refers to social, cultural and psychological traits linked to males and females. a.Sexc.Sexual orientation b.Genderd.Gender role 4.Sex is a/an ____________ because a person is born with it; gender is a/an ____________ because it has to be learned. a.achieved; ascribedc.ascribed; achieved b.master; achievedd.achieved; master 5.Which of the following is/are among the concepts emphasized by sociologists regarding sex and gender? a.Gender is learned. b.Gender changes over time as cultural definitions change. c.Gender varies considerably in different cultures. d.all of the above 6.___________ refers to the expected attitudes and behaviors a society associates with each sex. a.Sexc.Sexual orientation b.Genderd.Gender roles 7.__________ refers to the belief that one sex is innately superior to the other. a.Patriarchyc.Sexism b.Matriarchyd.Gender domination 8.Sexism is most prevalent in __________ societies. a.patriarchalc.ethnocentric b.matriarchald.egalitarian 9.__________describes a society in which male-centered norms operate throughout all social institutions and become the standard to which all persons adhere. a.Patriarchyc.Androcentrism b.Matriarchyd.Ethnocentrism 10.According to the text’s discussion of the theoretical perspectives and gender roles, functionalism: a.suggests that separate gender roles for women and men are beneficial. b.offers a reasonably sound explanation for the origin of gender roles. c.suggests that disruption is minimized and harmony is maximized when spouses assume complementary and specialized roles, such as breadwinner and homemaker. d.all of the above 1


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