11) Galton’s intelligence test items are to ________________ as Binet and Simon’s intelligence test items are to ________________. a. abstract thinking; concrete thinking b. general intelligence; specific intelligences c. sensation; higher mental processes d. crystallized intelligence; fluid intelligence 12) According to a panel of experts in 1921, intelligence consists of the abilities to do all of the following except a. reason concretely. b. learn to adapt to environmental circumstances. c. acquire knowledge. d. benefit from experience. 13) Who was the inventor of correlational research methods who later studied the effects of sensory skills on intelligence? a. Charles Spearman b. Henri Simon c. Sir Francis Galton d. Alfred Binet 14) In non-Western countries, laypeople view intelligence as reflecting ________________ more than intellectual brilliance. a. wisdom and judgment b. cross-domain skills c. specific skills and abilities d. crystallized knowledge 15) The hypothetical factor that accounts for overall differences in intellect is referred to by a lower-case a. a. b. f. c. g. d. i. 16) Binet and Galton would have likely disagreed about a. the extent to which intelligence tests were objective measures. b. the extent to which intelligence tests were reliable. c. the extent to which tests can measure intelligence. d. the extent to which our senses influence intelligence. 17) Who would have supported the notion that intelligence resulted from a single ability and could be represented by a single test score? a. Binet b. Spearman c. Sternberg d. Gardner 18) According to Spearman, it is one’s ________ intelligence that produces the positive correlations found between math, reading scores, and visual perception tests. a. crystallized b. fluid c. emotional d. general 19) Charles Spearman believed that intelligence is composed of ____________. a. verbal and mathematical abilities b. crystallized and visual-motor abilities c. general intelligence and specific abilities d. analytical, creative, and practical intelligence 20) The idea that intelligence varied according to g and s factors was proposed by a. Galton. b. Cattell. c. Binet and Simon. d. Spearman.


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