101) The imitation account’s primary weakness is that a. it does not account for generativity. b. it overemphasizes brain structures. c. it does not allow for the effects of social context. d. children only mimic language if reinforced. 102) According to the ________ account, children can deduce meaning of words they do not understand by inferring meaning from the context. a. social pragmatics b. imitation c. general cognitive processing d. nativist 103) According to famed linguist Noam Chomsky, humans have an innate ability to understand and produce language through a device he called a. Syntax Synthesizer (SS). b. Grammar Grabber (GG). c. Language Acquisition Device (LAD). d. Language Learning System (LLS). 104) There are specific areas of the brain that are specialized for processing language. This fact supports the view of language acquisition that emphasizes the importance of a. classical conditioning. b. innate biological factors. c. illness and nutrition. d. operant conditioning. 105) The area of the brain involved in speech comprehension is a. the parietal lobe. b. Broca’s area. c. the hippocampus. d. Wernicke’s area. 106) The area of the brain involved in speech production is a. the parietal lobe. b. Broca’s area. c. the hippocampus. d. Wernicke’s area. 107) The conclusions regarding language in chimpanzees can be summarized by saying that a. chimp language will be meaningless until they learn to speak. b. some chimps have developed a fully human language. c. there is no evidence for real language in chimps at all. d. chimps are making us think carefully about language. 108) In nonhuman animals, the most common circumstances under which communication occurs are a. mating and food distribution. b. feeding and labour. c. aggression and mating. d. hunting and food distribution. 109) Dr. Wigdeed studies the use of alarm calls in a population of vervet monkeys. She presents the monkeys with different types of predators (e.g., leopard, snake, hawk) and records their vocalizations. What should Dr. Wigdeed expect to find when she analyses the alarm calls? a. Vervet monkeys only produce alarm calls for the most threatening of the predators. b. Vervet monkeys use different alarm calls for different predators. c. Vervet monkeys use the same alarm call for all different types of predators. d. Vervet monkeys do not produce alarm calls, but only calls specific to mating and aggression. 110) Which of the following provides an example of animal communication that goes beyond situations concerning mating and aggression? a. Facial expressions and slapping the ground in chimpanzees. b. Male songbirds producing specific songs. c. A wildcat barring its teeth at an intruder. d. The waggle dance of honey bees.