21) If a person makes a judgment based on how easy it is for an instance to come to mind, he or she may fall victim to the a. belief perseverance effect. b. representativeness heuristic. c. hindsight bias. d. availability heuristic. 22) Amanda asks a group of research participants to estimate the number of deaths each year due to homicide and diabetes. She finds that higher numbers report homicide, because they are more vivid examples, though over twice as many die from complications related to diabetes. This is one example of the dangers of the ________ in our judgments and decision making a. representativeness heuristic b. hindsight bias c. availability heuristic d. confirmation bias 23) The __________________ bias refers to our tendency to overestimate our ability to predict known outcomes, whereas the __________________ bias reflects the overestimation of our ability to make correct predictions. a. hindsight; representative b. hindsight; overconfidence c. overconfidence; representative d. overconfidence; hindsight 24) The tendency to overestimate how well we could have successfully forecast known outcomes is called the a. confirmation bias. b. hindsight bias. c. representativeness heuristic. d. availability heuristic. 25) Following Stephen Harper’s defeat of the NDP candidate Jack Layton, many people looked back over the NDP campaign and claimed they knew all along that Layton would lose. This example illustrates the a. confirmation bias. b. hindsight bias. c. representativeness heuristic. d. availability heuristic. 26) Days following the championship football game, many “arm-chair quarterbacks†explain how they knew all along that the losing team would not be victorious. This example illustrates a. confirmation bias. b. hindsight bias. c. the representativeness heuristic. d. the availability heuristic. 27) The tendency to overestimate our ability to make correct predictions is called a. confirmation bias. b. hindsight bias. c. the representativeness heuristic. d. overconfidence. 28) When Lonnie and Burt were married, their friends were unsure of whether the marriage would last or end in divorce. However, after the two divorced, many of their friends commented to each other about how certain they had been that things would not work out from the beginning. This is an example of the a. confirmation bias. b. hindsight bias. c. representativeness heuristic. d. availability heuristic. 29) Jerome was uncertain of the correctness of his answers to many of the questions on his General Psychology exam. After seeing his score, an A, he subsequently told his friends about how he knew he aced the exam. This demonstrates the influence of ________ on our judgments. a. the hindsight bias b. belief perseverance c. confirmation bias d. the availability heuristic 30) People’s tendency to be more certain about the correctness of their beliefs than their actual level of accuracy in their beliefs is what psychologists call a. the representativeness heuristic. b. the confirmation bias. c. the availability heuristic. d. overconfidence.