MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1.What is the term for relatively spontaneous, short-lived, unconventional, and unorganized activity by large numbers of people, which occurs when norms are unclear or rapidly changing? movementc.collectivity b.crowd behaviord.collective behavior 2.Contagion theory focuses on: a.the irrationality of a crowd, suggesting that the excitement generated by being caught up in a mob or riot lead to a kind of herd mentality. b.the importance of social norms in shaping crowd behavior. c.circular reactions. crowds develop their own definition of a situation and establish norms that fit the occasion. 3.Which of the following is NOT one of the six preconditions that must be met before any episode of collective behavior can begin, according to Smelser’s value-added theory? a.structural conducivenessc.structural strain b.relative deprivationd.precipitating incident 4.__________ theory emphasizes the importance of social norms by proposing that norms develop from on-going crowd interaction. a.Convergencec.Emergent-norm b.Contagiond.Circular reaction 5.The fact that the looters in the 1992 South Central Los Angeles riot targeted stores owned by Koreans, who were widely believed to be exploiting the community, and avoided shops owned by blacks, is evidence in support of which theory? a.Convergencec.Emergent-norm b.Contagiond.Circular reaction 6.A substantial number of people who interact on the basis of loosely defined norms is referred to as: a.a group.c.a crowd. b.a mob.d.a collectivity. 7.In __________ collectivities, the participants are in each other’s immediate physical presence; in __________ collectivities, the participants are not in the same place at the same time. a.localized; dispersedc.contained; detached b.confined; dispersedd.isolated; detached 8.Which of the following is/are (a) common crowd behavior(s) that display(s) some of the qualities pointed out by contagion theory? a.Individuals blend into a crowd, and thereby become anonymous, which can increase their willingness to violate conventional norms. b.The permissive atmosphere of the crowd and close presence of a large number of people can create a sense of urgency. c.Faced with an “unscripted” situation, people in a crowd tend to become suggestible and emotionally aroused.  d.all of the above 9.When the carnival arrived to set up at the fairgrounds, you and many others from the city gathered around to watch them put up the rides. In this instance, you were part of a/an __________ crowd. a.actingc.conventional b.casuald.expressive 10.When you attend the homecoming game, you are part of a/an __________ crowd. a.actingc.conventional b.casuald.expressive 1


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