141) Dr. Siela claimed that all humans had invisible souls that guided their behaviour. Which of the following principles of critical thinking is most applicable to his claim? a. Replicability b. Occam’s razor c. Ruling out rival hypotheses d. Falsifiability 142) Dr. Asocate has found a relationship between foot size and criminal behaviour, and concludes that larger feet causes criminal behaviour. Which of the following principles of critical thinking is most applicable to his claim? a. Occam’s razor b. Correlation versus causation c. Ruling out rival hypotheses d. Falsifiability 143) An astute observer of human nature should state research questions in a manner that leads either to their being supported or refuted by the available evidence. This is the critical thinking principle of a. replicability. b. ruling out rival hypotheses. c. parsimony. d. falsifiability. 144) Suppose you advance a theory that says you need two working eyes to live, and set up your research question clearly so that the discovery of a single one-eyed living person will refute the theory. In the context of critical thinking, this is an example of a. replicability. b. ruling out rival hypotheses. c. parsimony. d. falsifiability. 145) According to the authors, having a falsifiable question is a starting point for evaluating the merits of any particular psychological claim. However, we also need this question to be a. replicated by others. b. consistent with the available body of evidence. c. parsimonious in its explanation of the evidence. d. All of the above 146) Pair up the philosopher with the type of prediction needed to best evaluate the soundness of your hypotheses. a. Karl Popper; safe prediction. b. Karl Popper; risky prediction. c. Plato; safe prediction. d. Plato; risky prediction. 147) Philosopher Karl Popper would be most impressed with a hypothesis of yours if it made a(n) a. safe prediction. b. risky prediction. c. irrefutable prediction. d. unfalsifiable prediction. 148) According to your text, good scientific theories are associated with ______________. a. falsifiable claims. b. risky predictions. c. previous evidence. d. all of the above. 149) Which of the following claims is not falsifiable? a. Men are more physically aggressive than women. b. Psychotherapy is effective for treating depression. c. Bad things happen to bad people because of karma. d. Women are better at detecting emotions than men. 150) The principle of parsimony relates to which principle of critical thinking? a. Falsifiability b. Extraordinary claims c. Replicability d. Occam’s razor


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