121) According to Jung, each person’s own repressed thoughts, undeveloped ideas, and forgotten experiences are contained in the a. archetype. b. persona. c. collective unconscious. d. personal unconscious. 122) Carl Jung’s term for the part of our personality that Freud referred to as the unconscious was the a. primordial unconscious. b. primitive unconscious. c. collective unconscious. d. personal unconscious. 123) The neo-Freudian, Carl Jung, suggested the existence of a collective unconscious that contains images shared by all people called a. schemas. b. the mandala. c. the persona. d. archetypes. 124) To Jung, the memories and behaviour patterns inherited from past generations are part of the a. preconscious. b. archetypes. c. personal unconscious. d. collective unconscious. 125) Carl Jung’s term for recurring themes that have been important to humans in many cultures and settings since prehistoric times, such as the concepts of mother, hero, or villain, is a. psychic themes. b. preconscious thoughts. c. preconscious memories. d. archetypes. 126) Jungian sandplay therapy is used by some therapists to examine emotional conflicts in children, and is based upon the assumption that ___________ is/are reflected in the shapes that children draw in the sand. a. the collective unconscious b. sexual and aggressive drives c. archetypes d. a child’s inferiority complex 127) What theorist strongly disagreed with Freud’s ideas about women and their feelings of inferiority and the Oedipus complex? a. Jung b. Horney c. Klein d. Adler 128) According to Karen Horney, the Oedipus complex was a. the deeply-rooted unconscious cause of psychological disorders. b. a symptom rather than a cause of psychological problems. c. a blockage that prevented humans from striving for superiority. d. a symbol of the clash between our increasing independence and our need for others. 129) You and your friend Elaine are both taking the same psychology class and realize you have very different theoretical views when studying personality unit. Elaine believes that personality is reflected in (or consists of) our behaviours, whereas you believe that personality plays a role in causing behaviour. Elaine’s view reflects which perspective within psychology? a. Social learning b. Radical behaviourism c. Psychoanalytic d. Humanistic 130) What perspective on personality development is most concerned with how one’s learning history influences who they later become? a. Trait b. Humanism-existential c. Behavioural d. Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic


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