191) The belief that one is Abraham Lincoln is an example of what schizophrenic symptom? a. Disorganized thinking b. Delusion c. Obsession d. Hallucination 192) Shannon believes that her boss has inserted microelectrodes in the water at work because he wants to be able to track the movement of all of his staff. She has “evidence” of this because her fish died when she brought them into work, and she feels compelled to work non-stop every time she has drank the water. Shannon’s experience reflects what symptom of schizophrenia? a. Hallucinations b. Obsessions c. Compulsions d. Delusions 193) Trevor has schizophrenia and often hears a voice that tells him “Meat eaters are the devil. They will force you to eat the beef and implant you with brain tumours. Go and stop the meat eaters”. Trevor’s experience reflects what symptom of schizophrenia? a. Delusions of grandeur b. Disorganized speech c. Command hallucinations d. Persecutory delusions 194) The most frequent type of hallucinations involves a. experiencing taste in the absence of the appropriate food. b. hearing voices or sounds that are not real. c. seeing objects or persons that are not real. d. feeling objects on one’s body that are not really present. 195) Feeling insects crawling on your skin (when none are really there) or hearing voices (when no one is around or no one is talking to you) would be examples of what symptom of schizophrenia? a. Hallucinations b. Obsessions c. Compulsions d. Delusions 196) Nick is admitted to a mental institution because he hears voices talking to him that no one else can hear, and he sees demons attacking him, though no one else could see anything near him. Nick’s symptoms are known as a. hallucinations. b. obsessions. c. compulsions. d. delusions. 197) Experiencing extremes in motor behaviour or repeating phrases over and over are two symptoms associated with a. paranoid schizophrenia. b. disorganized schizophrenia. c. catatonic schizophrenia. d. undifferentiated schizophrenia. 198) Repeating the word “maaaaah” repetitively and in a parrot-like fashion reflects what symptom of schizophrenia? a. Delusions b. Hallucinations c. Echolalia d. Disorganized speech 199) Monte often displays either flat or inappropriate affect, giggles unpredictably, speaks in a manner that reflects “word salad” and experiences only short-lived and incoherent delusions. What subtype of schizophrenia does Monte have? a. Paranoid type b. Disorganized type c. Catatonic type d. Undifferentiated type 200) A person with schizophrenia who displays bizarre or rigid postures, often seeming to get “stuck” in certain positions for hours, is displaying what symptom of schizophrenia? a. Delusions b. Disorganization c. Catatonia d. Echolalia


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