35) According to Merton’s strain theory, what causes deviance? a. a gap between institutionalized goals and illegitimate means of achieving those goals b. structure of society c. availability of illegitimate opportunities d. breakdown of social bonds due to rapid social change e. the need to reduce societal tensions by “letting off steam.” 36) Despite his best efforts, Chris has been unemployed for more than two years. He has finally decided that there is no point in pursuing the “American Dream” anymore. He stops looking for a job, and sits at home drinking beer all day long. Which mode of adaptation is he engaging in? a. conformity b. rebellion c. ritualism d. retreatism e. innovation 37) How does Cloward and Ohlin’s differential opportunity theory compare to Merton’s strain theory? a. strain theory proposes that there are structural differences in access to legitimate opportunities, but differential opportunity theory disagrees b. strain theory proposes that there are structural differences in access to legitimate opportunities, and differential opportunity theory agrees c. strain theory proposes that there are structural differences in access to illegitimate opportunities, but differential opportunity theory disagrees d. strain theory proposes that there are structural differences in access to illegitimate opportunities, and differential opportunity theory agrees e. differential opportunity theory proposes that there are structural differences in access to legitimate opportunities, but strain theory disagrees 38) Cherise lives in a neighbourhood where there is an organized group of people involved in selling illegal weapons to rival gangs. Seeing an opportunity to make some money, Cherise joins this group of weapons dealers. According to Cloward and Ohlin’s differential opportunity theory, what type of group has Cherise joined? a. “conflict gang” b. “retreatist gang” c. “criminal gang” d. “criminal collectivity” e. “conflict collectivity” 39) Which of the following theories best explains why university students who place a high value on academic work, but have GPAs below 3.0 and score high on measures of depression, are most likely to use “homework drugs”? a. differential opportunity theory b. Agnew’s general strain theory c. self-control theory d. social learning theory e. Merton’s strain theory 40) Which of the following statements about microanomie is true? a. microanomie refers to a state wherein self-enhancement values are exceeded by self-transcendence values b. due to gender differences in socialization, females experience more microanomie than do males c. self-enhancement values include equality and social justice d. microanomie refers to a state wherein self-transcendence values are exceeded by self-enhancement values e. strain results in deviance only when accompanied by negative emotions, such as anger or depression 41) When does status frustration emerge? a. when lower-class boys are unable to live up to the middle-class measuring rod in schools b. when upper-class boys are unable to live up to the high expectations their parents have of them c. when there is a gap between institutionalized goals and the legitimate means of achieving those goals d. when lower-class boys who get high grades in school become outcasts among their lower-class peers e. when members of the upper-class feel they must turn to corporate crime in order to achieve the goals of the corporation 42) What criticisms have been directed at functionalist theories? a. they are teleological b. they are tautological c. they have a conservative bias d. they have an androcentric bias e. functionalist theories have been criticized for being teleological, tautological, conservative, and androcentric 43) Which of the following theories have been criticized for identifying deviance and criminality as lower-class phenomena? a. Merton’s strain theory b. differential association theory c. social bonds theory d. social learning theory e. self-control theory 44) Which theory does not identify deviance and criminality as lower-class phenomena? a. Merton’s theory of strain b. differential opportunity theory c. Cohen’s theory of status frustration d. Agnew’s general strain theory e. Merton’s theory of anomie


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