51) What book became a national best seller and was instrumental in changing environmental policies? a. Dumping in Dixie b. An Inconvenient Truth c. Chemical Valley d. Erin Brockovich 52) The expansion on Aboriginal peoples’ land has been referred to as a. Environmental racism. b. Biocolonialism. c. Treadmill of destruction. d. Bioprospecting. 53) ____ advocate(s) for smaller, non-hierarchical, decentralized societies. a. Alternative environmental paradigm b. Deep ecologists c. Ecofeminists d. Sustainable development 54) Which is not part of the five principles of environmental justice proposed by Bullard? a. to prevent harm before it occurs b. to redress existing inequities c. to shift the burden of proof to polluters d. to minimize economic downturns 55) In 2004 Canadian households produced just over a. 112 kg of waste. b. 71 kg of waste. c. 418 kg of waste. d. 130.4 kg of waste. 56) Which of the following is NOT a reason why the sociology of food is becoming such a popular area of scholarship? a. Growing interest in the West to know where our food is coming from. b. Growing recognition that our diets are slowly killing us. c. Questions regarding how the food supply is regulated and governed. d. Questions regarding the impact of climate change on food supply and pricing. 57) While greenhouse gases naturally vary over time, the latest increase is assumed to be the result of: a. Industrialization and population growth b. The hole in the ozone layer c. Increased pollution by China and India d. Canada’s refusal to abide by the Kyoto Protocol 58) When natural matter, such as vegetation, soils, and oceans absorb more carbon than it emits, it is referred to as: a. Carbon credit b. Carbon deficit c. Carbon sink d. Carbon source 59) Some experts suggest that the next world war will be fought over a. Fresh water b. Oil and gas c. Environmental policies d. Pollution 60) New forestry practices that log without clear-cutting or destroying the natural habitat are an example of: a. Alternative environmental paradigm b. Sustainable development c. Bioprospecting d. Environmental sustainability