11.If you were a functionalist, with which of the following statements would you DISAGREE? a.Functionalism does not demonstrate the functional utility of assigning tasks on the basis of gender. b.Separate gender roles for women and men are beneficial. c.The family can be disrupted if there is too much overlap in the complementary and specialized roles of the spouses. d.all of the above 12.According to the conflict perspective’s approach to gender roles: a.capitalism reduces male domination, both inside and outside the home.’s economic advantage provides the basis for gender inequality both inside and outside the home. c.only modern, not traditional, gender beliefs are viewed as sexist ideology. d.all of the above 13.When Janie goes to a singles bar with Christie, waits for a single man to make the first move, then disengages herself from Christie, she is exemplifying which one of the following theories? a.functionalismc.symbolic interactionism b.conflictd.Marxist 14.You believe that when men and women label each other as opposite to who they are (referring to the other sex as the “opposite” sex), and then behave according to that label, they are in effect contributing to the separation of the sexes rather than to a connection between them. You are a __________theorist. a.functionalistc.conflict b.symbolic interactionist d.Marxist 15.__________ refers to an inclusive world-wide movement to end sexism and sexist oppression by empowering women. a.Feminismc.Anti-sexism b.Gynocentrismd.Male-bashing 16.According to the text’s discussion, feminism has: a.moved social theorists away from focusing on how women are alike and how they are different. b.led to widespread agreement among social theorists on how the feminist movement should reach its goal. prompted theorists to account for the ways race, class and gender are linked and challenged the white, middle class male norm for explaining social behavior. all of the above 17.__________ feminism is based on the simple idea that all people are created equal and should not be denied equality of opportunity because of gender. a.Liberalc.Radical b.Socialistd.Multicultural 18.__________ feminism is based on the principle that the inferior position of women is linked to class-based capitalism and the structure of the family in capitalistic societies. a.Liberalc.Radical b.Socialistd.Multicultural 19.__________ feminism wishes to create separate institutions that are women centered. a.Liberal.c.Radical b.Socialistd.Multicultural 20.__________ feminism maintains that no woman is free until the conditions that oppress women worldwide are eliminated a.Liberal c.Radical b.Socialistd.Multicultural


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