71) _________is the optimal amount of stress that people need to promote health and well-being. a. Eustress b. Distress c. Stress d. Counterstress 72) Professor Willoughby assigns his class a term paper that is to make up 30% of their final grade. The students are given clear guidelines about what is expected in this assignment, and are given two months to complete the assignment. Because students know that this paper is important but not the only thing upon which their grades will be based, this assignment would be likely to cause a. eustress. b. distress. c. frustration. d. aggression. 73) Trevor was feeling stressed before defending his Ph.D. dissertation, even though the outcome was positive and he received his doctorate degree. What type of stress was he experiencing? a. Distress b. Chronic stress c. Adaptive stress d. Eustress 74) Jamie has worked for Jones & Miller law firm for the past five years. The firm is in the process of downsizing and laying off employees. Jamie is afraid that she may lose her job. To help deal with this stressful situation, Jamie tends to rely on her social contacts for support, in addition to nurturing those around her. This is known as a. friend or relationship. b. fight or flight. c. reliance and coping. d. tend and befriend. 75) When stressed, research has found that women tend to __________________ more often than men. a. fight b. flee c. reach exhaustion d. tend and befriend 76) What hormone helps to counter stress and promotes the tend-and-befriend response? a. Cortisol b. Oxytocin c. Adrenaline d. Serotonin 77) Amanda signed up with the army right after she graduated from high school. She was soon sent to Afghanistan. During her two years in Afghanistan, she witnessed many gruesome catastrophes. Upon returning home, she felt detached and estranged from her old friends, was easily startled, and had difficulties sleeping due to the vivid memories of the horrific events. Amanda displays the symptoms of a. flashbacks. b. depression. c. posttraumatic stress disorder. d. anxiety. 78) Ali, a war veteran, has had nightmares, flashbacks, and anxiety attacks for the past three years. Ali is most likely suffering from a. posttraumatic stress disorder. b. acute stress disorder. c. eustress disorder. d. counterstress disorder. 79) A disorder resulting from exposure to a major stressor, with symptoms of anxiety, nightmares, poor sleep, reliving the event, and concentration problems, lasting for more than one month is called a. posttraumatic stress disorder. b. acute stress disorder. c. eustress disorder. d. counterstress disorder. 80) The lifetime prevalence of PTSD is ____ percent in men and ____ percent in women. a. 5; 10 b. 10; 15 c. 10; 20 d. 15; 10


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