11) Preventive maintenance is reactive. 12) Preventive maintenance is nothing more than keeping the equipment and machinery running. 13) Preventive maintenance implies that we can determine when a system needs service or will need repair. 14) Infant mortality refers to the high failure rate often encountered in the very early stages of the lifetime of a product. 15) The MTBF distributions of products, machines, or processes that have “settled in,” or gone beyond the infant mortality phase, often follow the normal distribution. 16) Recording the maintenance history of processes, machines, or equipment is important for preventive maintenance, but largely irrelevant for breakdown maintenance. 17) The “full cost view of maintenance” results in more firms choosing a policy of breakdown maintenance, when compared to the “traditional view of maintenance.” 18) Failures are tolerable as long as their results are not catastrophic. 19) Small standard deviations in the MTBF distribution of a machine tend to support a policy of breakdown maintenance for that machine. 20) When identifying the optimal maintenance policy, the cost of inventory maintained to compensate for the downtime is a cost often ignored. 21) An optimal maintenance policy strikes a balance between the costs of breakdown and preventive maintenance so that the total cost of maintenance is at a minimum. 22) While breakdowns occur randomly, their frequency is somewhat predictable through such tools as the product failure rate, MTBF, and the breakdown costs model. 23) The objective of maintenance and reliability is to maintain the capability of the system. 24) TPM (total productive maintenance) is an application of TQM (total quality management) principles to the area of maintenance. 25) Simulation models and expert systems are useful tools for enhancing maintenance.


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