11) A fried chicken fast-food chain that acquired feed mills and poultry farms has performed which of the following? A) horizontal integration B) forward integration C) backward integration D) current transformation E) job expansion 12) Vertical integration appears particularly advantageous when the organization has: A) a very specialized product. B) a large market share. C) a very common, undifferentiated product. D) little experience operating an acquired vendor. E) purchases that are a relatively small percent of sales. 13) A rice mill in south Louisiana purchases the trucking firm that transports packaged rice to distributors. This is an example of which of the following? A) horizontal integration B) forward integration C) backward integration D) current transformation E) keiretsu 14) Japanese manufacturers often pursue a strategy that is part collaboration, part purchasing from a few suppliers, and part vertical integration. What is this approach called? A) kanban B) keiretsu C) samurai D) poka-yoke E) kaizen 15) The Japanese concept of a company coalition of suppliers is: A) poka-yoke. B) kaizen. C) keiretsu. D) dim sum. E) illegal. 16) Which of the following is NOT an advantage of a virtual company? A) speed B) total control over every aspect of the organization C) specialized management expertise D) low capital investment E) flexibility 17) When Daimler and BMW pooled resources to develop standardized auto components, the sourcing strategy could best be described by which of the following? A) keiretsu B) virtual companies C) joint venture D) vertical integration E) few suppliers 18) Which of the following best describes Vizio’s sourcing strategy? A) few suppliers B) keiretsu C) joint venture D) vertical integration E) virtual company 19) ________ is developing the ability to produce goods or services previously purchased or actually buying a supplier or a distributor. 20) ________ is a Japanese term that describes suppliers who become part of a company coalition. 21) ________ rely on a variety of supplier relationships to provide services on demand. 22) Virtual companies are also known as ________ .


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