21) The principle of punishment states that an accused should be presumed innocent until proven otherwise. a. True b. False 22) Geographic profiling is based on “mapping out” probabilities. a. True b. False 23) According to the Classical School of criminological thought, human beings are fundamentally rational, and most human behaviour is the result of free will coupled with rational choice. a. True b. False 24) According to the Classical School of criminological thought, society exists to provide benefits to individuals that they would not receive in isolation. a. True b. False 25) According to the Classical School of criminological thought, when men and women band together for the protection offered by society, they increase significantly the benefits that accrue from living in isolation. a. True b. False 26) According to the Classical School of criminological thought, certain key rights of individuals are inherent in the nature of things, and governments should contravene those rights in order to protect the sanctity and validity of the government’s right to take away the rights of all individuals and any given point in time. a. True b. False 27) The ________ was a social movement which arose during the eighteenth century and built upon ideas such as empiricism, rationality, free will, humanism, and natural law. a. Code of Hammurabi b. Classical school c. Enlightenment d. social contract e. Magna Carta 28) Mores, folkways, and laws were terms used by ________ near the start of the twentieth century to describe the three basic forms of behavioural strictures imposed by social groups upon their members. a. Thomas Paine b. Thomas Hobbes c. William Graham Sumner d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau e. John Locke 29) According to this legal philosopher, fear of violent death forces human beings into a social contract with one another to create a state that demands the surrender of certain natural rights and submission to the absolute authority of a sovereign state while offering protection and succour to its citizens. a. John Locke b. Charles Louis Montesquieu c. Thomas Paine d. Thomas Hobbes e. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 30) ________ put forth the idea that the natural human condition at birth is akin to that of a blank slate upon which interpersonal encounters and other experiences indelibly inscribe the traits of personality. a. Charles Louis Montesquieu b. John Locke c. Cesare Beccaria d. Jean-Jacques Rousseau e. Jeremy Bentham


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