11) What is the current legal status of euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in Canada? a. Both are illegal under all circumstances b. While euthanasia is illegal, physician-assisted suicide is permitted under very limited circumstances. c. Both are legal, under limited circumstances. d. Spousal euthanasia is legal under limited circumstances, while physician-assisted suicide is illegal. 12) Euthanasia refers to a. the deliberate ending of the life of a person who has an incurable or painful disease. b. a medication to treat pain. c. a type of chronic condition. d. a medical condition. 13) Your text gave the examples of Sue Rodriguez and Robert Latimer to discuss the issue of a. long-term care facilities. b. seniors in Canada. c. chronic pain. d. euthanasia. 14) This theory proposes that successful aging requires the gradual withdrawal from social activity. a. disengagement theory b. functional withdrawal theory c. critical activity theory d. functional isolation theory 15) Which theoretical approach focuses on the roots of institutional ageism (the constant tension between the old and the young)? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism d. feminist theory 16) Which theory posits that people should remain engaged in society for as long as possible? a. disengagement theory b. engagement theory c. activity theory d. differential association theory 17) Which theoretical approach explores how women respond to an aging body in a society fixated on appearance and youth? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. symbolic interactionism d. feminist theory 18) Which theoretical approach questions how transitions such as growing old are defined? a. functionalism b. conflict theory c. post-structuralism d. feminist theory 19) The concept of biopower, a form of social power that flows from medical knowledge, is associated with: a. feminism b. conflict theory c. post-structuralism d. symbolic interactionism 20) Statistics Canada defines ___________as “a mental or physical condition that limits people’s everyday activities and restricts what they can do.. a. disability b. chronic disease c. the “person first” philosophy d. socially organized barrier