Multiple Choice Questions 1.What is the chief disadvantage of analog communication? A. Simplicity B. Bandwidthrequirements C. Susceptibility to noise D. Cost 2.What concept is represented by noise corruptedsignals being periodically restored to their original values recreating anideal, perfect representation of data at regular intervals and enabling transmissions over long distances? A.Regeneration B.Coding C.Pulse modulation D.DSP processing 3.In _______________, the pulse amplitude is made proportional to theamplitude of the modulating signal. A.pulse-width modulation (PWM) B. pulse-amplitudemodulation (PAM) C.pulse-position modulation (PPM) D. pulse-code modulation (PCM) 4.Which of the following forms the basisfor class D power amplification? A. PCM B. PPM C. PAM D. PWM 5.The process of ____________ is one of reproducing the original analog signal. A. coding B.modulation C. demodulation D.aliasing 6.Which of the following allows complex, periodic waveforms to bebroken down into a series of sine and cosine terms? A. Flat-top sampling B.Quantization C.Reconstruction D.Fourier analysis 7._________ is assigning one of a fixed number of numerical values to each pulse. A. Coding B. Sampling C. Quantizing D. Decoding 8.Which of the following did Harry Nyquistin1928 first demonstrate mathematically? A.An analog signal can be reconstructed fromperiodic samples. B.Pulses can be time-division multiplexed over a singlecommunication channel. C.The sample rate must be at leasttwice the highestfrequency of the intelligence or information signal to be sampled. D.Analog signals are quantized to the closest binary value provided in the digitizingsystem. 9.What function does the sample-and-hold circuit perform in a PCM system? A. Encoder B.Modulator C. Filter D. Decoder 10.Why do high-quality capacitors have polyethylene, polycarbonate, or Teflon dielectrics? A.They minimize voltage variations resulting from capacitor characteristics. B. Theylimit themaximum input frequency that the S/H circuit can accurately process. C. They convert quantized waveforms into stepped analog signals. D. Theyisolate the input signal from the S/H circuit and provide proper impedancematching. 1


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