11.What is the main point of difference between autocratic and democratic leadership styles? a.The mental image of an ideal leader as an implicit benchmark determining a person’s receptivity toward an actual leader. b.Possession of authority. c.Emotional connection with team. d.Task-orientation of team. 12.The mood contagion model argues that: a.leaders transmit their own moods to team members, and this affects their behavior. b.a leader who is experiencing negative affects (emotions) also displays negative behaviors. c.leaders need to balance negative mood states with positive mood states. d.leaders and team members are unaware of their own moods, but infer them based upon the behaviors of others. 13.In regard to leader mood, the effects of a leader’s anger on teamwork are all of the following EXCEPT: a.boosts idealism. b.lowers performance. c.a decline in positive mood. d.decreased motivation. 14.Environmental conditions, such as change, uncertainty, and risk, affect how people perceive leaders. Under conditions of uncertainty, people with high and stable self-esteem show a stronger preference for __________ leadership, but people with low and unstable self-esteem prefer __________ leadership. a.task-oriented; relationship-oriented b.extrinsically-motivated; intrinsically-motivated c.democratic; autocratic d.directive style of; participative style of 15.Traits such as being authoritative, having an impressive appearance, and exhibiting kindness are characteristics and skills desirable in __________ leaders. a.elected b.appointed c.randomly selected d.systematically selected 16.The following are key determinants that can lead to the growth of close, trusting relationships between leaders and their teams EXCEPT: a.a subordinates’ similarity to the leader. b.demonstrated competence and performance. member extraversion. d.diversity of team members. 17.According to the LMX (Leader-Member-Exchange) model, which of the following statements is true about how the theory operates? a.Leaders give different team members differential amounts of attention and treatment, and develop different relationships with different team members. b.Teams need to rotate leadership among different members of the team so as to involve all of the members. c.Leaders need to use both reward and punishment to motivate team members to perform tasks in addition to providing regular feedback to team members. d.Leaders need to offer resources, such as coaching and expertise to team members, who need to reciprocate by competent tasks and assignments. 18.What is one way to enhance the quality of Leader-Member Exchanges (LMX) between leaders and their employees? a.A manager invests in their employees’ skills, and empowers them to grow and learn. b.Leader keeps out of his or her employees’ way, and focuses on tracking the financial gains of the team’s performance. c.Unethical leadership practices. d.Leader invests in building their external network of business contacts. 19.According to French and Raven, there are many different sources of power that people use in organizations and teams. A person who is the leader or CEO of a company has __________ power; a person who has special training in a given subject has __________ power; a person who uses praise has __________ power.; referent; reward b.legitimate; expert; reward c.reward; expert; referent d.legitimate; referent; reward 20.In regard to using power, Wageman and Mannix identify patterns of power use by team members. Which of the power use patterns is considered the most effective? a.Abdication b.Overuse c.Managing the resource d.Expert power 21.What is one of the key reasons why leaders should be vigilant about their use of power, and seek feedback as to the effectiveness of their behaviors? a.Power can make people focus more on negative, threatening information rather than positive information. b.Many leaders who have power engage in a more limited array of behaviors. c.Leaders often have an egocentrically-biased view of themselves, believing themselves to be more fair, generous, and trustworthy than others evaluate them to be. d.Those who lack power are often blindly trusting of those who are in positions of power. 22.All of the following strategies may encourage participative management EXCEPT: a.task delegation. b.parallel suggestion involvement. c.job involvement. d.theory X management. 23.Organizational involvement may involve top-management teams (TMT). One advantage of TMT with regard to participative management is: restructuring the tasks performed by employees to make them more rewarding, people are more engaged. moving away from commitment and toward bureaucracy, the hierarchy of leadership is concentrated at the top of the organization. c.TMT, as opposed to individuals, are more likely to represent the wide range of interests of people in the organization. involving people at the lowest levels of the organization, they learn how to maximize the organization’s goals.


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