21) If Xerox had continued to define its ________ in terms of just producing copy machines instead of providing “document solutions,” the shift to electronic documents would have left the company in the dust. A) return on marketing investment B) portfolio analysis C) SWOT analysis D) mission E) external environment 22) The second step in strategic planning is to ________. A) formalize a mission statement B) establish the business portfolio C) set SBU and department-level objectives D) set organizational objectives E) assess the organization’s internal and external environments 23) Analysis of a firm’s internal environment identifies the firm’s ________. A) strengths and weaknesses B) strengths and opportunities C) opportunities and threats D) weaknesses and threats E) strengths and threats 24) A firm’s internal business environment does NOT include ________. A) its employees B) its corporate culture C) its products D) its technologies E) elements of the legal environment 25) Analysis of the external environment of an organization identifies the organization’s ________. A) strengths and weaknesses B) strengths and opportunities C) opportunities and threats D) weaknesses and threats E) strengths and threats 26) Each year, Honeywell asks every department manager to rate his or her department’s strengths and weaknesses as well as those of the other departments with which the department interacts. Then each department manager is asked what he or she sees as the greatest threats and opportunities for the company. Honeywell is asking its department managers to engage in a(n) ________. A) SWOT analysis B) portfolio analysis C) market analysis D) functional planning session E) compatibility assessment 27) Effective objectives should be all of the following EXCEPT which one? A) aspirational B) specific C) attainable D) sustainable E) measurable 28) Within a larger corporation, each SBU ________. A) has its own business portfolio B) has access to equal resources C) has separate shareholders D) is a separate profit center E) is dependent upon central management for a mission statement 29) A(n) ________ is a tool management uses to assess the potential of a firm’s business portfolio. It helps management decide how to allocate resources among the firm’s current SBUs. A) SWOT analysis B) portfolio analysis C) value chain D) operational plan E) compatibility assessment 30) The growth-market share matrix developed by the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a type of ________. A) SWOT analysis B) portfolio analysis C) value chain D) situational analysis E) compatibility assessment


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