11.The idea that true validities are larger and less variable than traditionally believed grows out of research on a)validity generalization b)range restriction c)work samples d)content validity 12._________ is a voluntary program instituted by organizations, while ________ is a              federal guideline outlining procedures to ensure fairness. a)Affirmative Action; Equal Employment Opportunity b)Equal Employment Opportunity; Affirmative Action c)Affirmative Action; Adverse Impact d)Equal Employment Opportunity; Adverse Impact 13.Evidence on the use of personality measures as predictors of job performance has                           indicated that a) their validity does not support their use as selection instruments b)personality is not relevant to job performance c)certain personality characteristics are consistently related to job performance d)response distortion typically decreases the validity of personality inventories as              predictors of performance 14.Integrity tests include items that refer to a)admissions of theft b)reactions to hypothetical situations involving dishonest behavior c)personality traits thought to be related to dishonest or questionable behavior d)all of the above 15.Information about the time that a worker lost due to injury can be obtained through a)production data b)personnel data c)judgmental data d)subjective data 16.Production counts are problematic in that a)the unit to be counted is not standardized b)production is not always under the control of the worker c)most products cannot be accurately counted d)both a and b 17.One reason that objective performance indices have not fared well as measures of job performance is that a)these measures reflect a broad range of group- and individually-oriented aspects of performance b)these measures focus on group-oriented aspects of performance only c)these measures focus on individually-oriented aspects of performance only d)these work samples are hard to develop 18.A technique which requires a supervisor to designate a fixed number of workers in each of several performance categories is a(n) a)full ranking b)forced distribution c)paired comparison d)objective placement 19.Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales appear to provide _______ ratings than other types              of rating scales. a)less accurate b)more accurate c)more consistent d)no more accurate 20.The tendency of a rater to allow his or her overall evaluation of each worker to affect              the evaluation of each specific aspect of each worker’s performance dimensions is a)halo error b)leniency error c)range restriction d)ceiling error 21.When a supervisor indicates that all of his or her workers are top performers,              _______ is likely occurring. a)leniency error b)severity error c)halo error d)both a and b 22.In general, selection tests lead to the greatest gain when a)the value of performance does not vary greatly from worker to worker b)the value of performance varies greatly from worker to worker c)superior workers produce goods less valuable than those produced by average              workers d)the base rate is high


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