1) A(n) ________ fault has little or no vertical movements of the two blocks. A) stick slip B) oblique slip C) strike slip D) dip slip 2) In thrust faulting, ________. A) grabens develop on the footwall block B) the crust is shortened and thickened C) horizontal, tensional stresses drive the deformation D) the hanging wall block slips downward along the thrust fault 3) A graben is characterized by ________. A) a hanging wall block that has moved up between two reverse faults B) a footwall block that has moved up between two normal faults C) a hanging wall block that has moved down between two normal faults D) a footwall block that has moved down between two reverse faults 4) The mountains and valleys of the Basin and Range Province of the western United States formed in response to ________. A) strike-slip faulting and hanging wall block uplifts B) reverse faults and large displacement, thrust faulting C) tensional stresses and normal-fault movements D) normal faulting and horizontal compression 5) In a normal fault ________. A) the hanging wall block below an inclined fault plane moves downward relative to the other block B) the footwall block below an inclined fault plane moves downward relative to the other block C) the hanging wall block above an inclined fault plane moves downward relative to the other block D) the footwall block above an inclined fault plane moves upward relative to the other block 6) A transform fault is ________. A) a strike-slip fault that forms the boundary between tectonic plates B) a dip-slip fault connecting an anticline with a syncline C) a reverse fault that steepens into a thrust fault D) the rift bounding faults on a mid-ocean ridge 7) A thrust fault is best described as ________. A) a steeply inclined, oblique-slip fault B) a low-angle, reverse fault C) a vertical, normal fault D) a near vertical, strike-slip fault 8) A horst is ________. A) an uplifted block bounded by two normal faults B) a downdropped block bounded by two reverse faults C) an uplifted block bounded by two reverse faults D) a downdropped block bounded by two normal faults 9) The Black Hills of South Dakota are a good example of a(n) ________. A) anticline B) syncline C) basin D) dome 10) Large circular downwarped structures are called ________. A) anticlines B) synclines C) basins D) domes 1


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