88) Organized labour suggests that pay for performance plans are not always positive; they can create stress for older workers, competition between workers, and possibly injuries. a. True b. False 89) Both piece-rate and bonus plans are examples of performance-based compensation. a. True b. False 90) Employee recognition tends to reduce turnover in companies, particularly that of the good employees. a. True b. False 91) One disadvantage of skill-based pay is that employees may not be able to learn some skills, and will thus feel demoted. a. True b. False 92) Piece-rate plans are always based on group productivity. a. True b. False 93) Gainsharing’s popularity seems to be narrowly focused among large unionized manufacturing companies. a. True b. False 94) ESOPs are essentially the same thing as stock option plans, which allow employees to buy stocks at a future time at previously set prices. a. True b. False 95) Variable-pay programs can be applied at individual, team, and company-wide levels, making it possible to link rewards to the appropriate level of performance. a. True b. False 96) In the typical ESOP, employees acquire stock as part of their company-established benefit plan. a. True b. False 97) From management’s perspective, one of the greatest appeals of skill-based pay plans is the increased skill level of employees. a. True b. False 98) Leslie is the owner and manager of a large supply store. She implemented a pay-for-performance plan many years ago and has since discovered that the organization operates more profitably if she is open to sharing information about the company’s financial conditions with the employees. She thinks that “sharing information and profits promotes an atmosphere in which hard work, innovation, and efficiency pay off for everybody.” Leslie’s conclusions are quite possible. a. True b. False 99) Job enrichment, an application of the job characteristics model, focuses on the vertical expansion of jobs. a. True b. False 100) Employees tend to have an inflated assessment of their own performance. a. True b. False


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