TRUE/FALSE: Write true or false before each statement. It is rare for people to be interviewed before they are hired. An entry-level interview is most likely to be conducted when a company is looking to hire someone from within the company for a newly created safety director position. The interview should be seen as an opportunity for you to find out about the working conditions, scope of the job, and opportunities to advance. It is illegal for employers to ask some questions even though they still may ask them. According to some experts, most interviewers decide in the first four minutes whether there’s a likelihood that you will (or won’t) be a strong candidate for a job.   MULTIPLE CHOICE: Circle the letter of the choice that best completes the statement. 6.People conduct interviews for which two reasons? a.To see how well you can dress and determine how much to pay you b.To determine what kind of salary and benefits you want c.To see whether you can show up on time d.To see if you fit into the company uniform and can state the company motto e.To see if you fit in with the company and are qualified for the job 7.Which of the following is a legally appropriate question to ask a computer technician? a.Are there any religious holidays you will need off if offered this position? b.Is your spouse also looking for a job? c.Tell me about the kind of software you are familiar with. d.What do you think of same-sex marriages? e.When do you plan to start a family? 8.An employer at a local printing manufacturer where you really want to work mentions that the company is considering providing domestic partner benefits and asks if you think it’s a good idea. You should: a. Respond by not answering. b. Tell the employer you would rather discuss salary. c. Change the subject. d. Call the employer an idiot and walk out. e. Tell the employer that this is not a critical consideration for you. 9.When given the chance, you should NOT ask which of the following questions? a. What, if any, additional expectations do you have of employees? b. What ways does the company support working on job improvement? c. How would you characterize the worker–management relations? d. Where do you see the company going in the next 5–10 years? e. How much will I make, and how much vacation time is provided? 10.Creating a first impression includes all EXCEPT which of the following? a. Being pleasant and respectful to everyone you meet b. Showing up on time c. Answering questions completely, honestly, and positively d. Taking the lead in the interview e.Providing explanations to the answers you provide


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