1)The crude divorce rate is calculated as A)the number of divorces in a given year, divided by the number of marriages in the same year. B)the number of divorces in a given year, divided by the mid-year population, multiplied by 100 000. C)the number of divorces in a given year, divided by the mid-year population, multiplied by 10000. D)the number of divorces in a given year, multiplied by the mid-year population, divided by 10000. E)the number of divorces in a given year, divided by 100 000. 2)The crude divorce rate often underestimates the actual rate because A)it fails to account for divorces from previous years. B)it only looks at couples who officially register their divorce. C)it includes children and single people in its population pool. D)it only includes couples with children. E)it fails to acknowledge common-law couples who separate. 3)A divorce rate measured by dividing the number of divorces in a given year with the number of marriages in the same year is misleading because A)it overestimates the divorce risk. B)it underestimates the actual divorce rate. C)it includes common law separations. D)it includes engagement break ups. E)None of the above. 4)A rolling divorce rate measures A)the number of people ever divorced as a fraction of the number of people ever married. B)the divorce rate of each Canadian province relative to the others. C)trends and fluctuations in provincial divorce rates moving from east to west. D)trends and fluctuations in annual divorce rates over 25 or more years. E)comparative divorce rates between industrialized nations. 5)Which of the following measurements gives the closest approximation for divorce rates? A)One that looks at couples who married thirty years ago and what proportion of that population had since divorced. B)One that is calculated as the number of divorces in a given year and divided by the mid-year population. C)One based on the number of divorces in a given year divided by the number of marriages in that same year. D)One that calculates the number of people in the population ever divorced as a fraction of the population ever married. E)None of the above are good measurements of the divorce rate. 6)Why are sociologists interested in computing the divorce rate? A)Measuring the number of divorces gives jobs to sociology graduates. B)It helps them make and test theories about the factors that contribute to the survival and breakdown of marriage. C)It helps them explain why so many Hollywood marriages end in divorce. D)Measuring divorce rates helps them lobby governments for more funding for families. E)Divorce rates are easy data to capture and sociologists have nothing else to do. 7)The interpretation of high divorce rates as a sign of societal breakdown began with the writings of A)Karl Marx. B)Max Weber. C)Emile Durkheim. D)Judith Wallerstein E)Newt Gingrich. 8)At the micro-level, sociologists study which aspect of divorce? A)Family dynamics and interaction patterns. B)People’s expectations about married life. C)People’s subjective assessments of available alternative mates. D)Effects on divorcing spouses and their children. E)All of the above. 9)How do macro sociologists study divorce? A)Examining industrialization and urbanization. B)Examining women’s increasing participation in the labour market. C)Examining changes in societal norms on marriage and family life. D)Examining the effects of wars. E)All of the above. 10)Conservative sociologists who study divorce in society A)believe that high divorce rates are a sign of social breakdown. B)note that high divorce rates are associated with high suicide rates. C)note that high divorce rates are associated with high alcohol abuse rates. D)view high divorce rates as a social pathology. E)would likely agree with all of the above. 1


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