1. Which of the following is the leading cause of death in young adulthood? a. murder b. accidents c. cancer d. suicide 2. At present, there is no cure for which of the following diseases? a. herpes b. syphilis c. gonorrhea d. chlamydia 3. Which of the following is the term that describes thought that seeks to integrate opposing or conflicting ideas and observations? a. normative thought b. dialectical thought c. preformal thought d. postformal thought 4. Researchers use which of the following terms to express how we know when certain events in our life “should” occur? a. age clocks b. life change units c. normative transitions d. initiation rites 5. Suppose you survey a population of U. S. married adults about their sexual activity. You should expect that couples in which of the following age groups will report having sex most frequently? a. couples in their 20s and 30s b. couples in their 40s and 50s c. couples in their 60s and 70s, after the children have left home d. None of the couples reported having sex more frequently, since sexual frequency is unrelated to age. 6. According to Havighurst, selecting a mate and rearing children are tasks of: a. late adulthood b. later maturity c. middle age d. early adulthood 7. According to the view of Daniel Levinson, the life structure develops out of which of the following processes? a. taking on and resolving the tasks of life b. growing older physically and mentally c. forming an intimate relationship with a person who loves you d. raising children and helping them become successful adults 8. Although Mary is only 17 years old, she is married, has a child, holds a complex job, and provides the majority of her family’s income. To describe Mary as being “like a 30-year-old” would emphasize which of the following concepts? a. social age b. biological age c. chronological age d. postformal age 9. David has been a defense lawyer for 15 years. Now in his early 40s, he has volunteered his services to battered women in the community. According to Schaie, David’s application of his cognitive skills reflects what stage of adult thinking? a. acquisition b. achieving c. reintegrating d. social responsibility 10. Jonathon tells his best friend: “I’m going to accept a job offer from a start-up technology company, but if that doesn’t work out, I’m sure my parents will bail me out and I can always join the family business.” Generalizing from Gould’s theory, if Jonathon is typical for people his age, he is most likely about: a. age 18 b. age 25 c. age 36 d. age 48


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