41)Which of the following is a possible source of confounding in differential research? A)Measuring each variable. B)Failing to manipulate the independent variable. C)Using the Pearson r instead of the Spearman r. D)Using different observation procedures in each group. 42)If we use different methods to observe and measure a phenomenon in two groups, we run the risk of introducing A)a constraint. B)an additional degree of freedom. C)researcher bias. D)a confounding factor. 43)Differential research uses essentially the same statistical analyses as A)correlational research. B)experimental research. C)case-study research. D)nominal research. 44)To say that two variables are confounded means that A)they both vary at the same time. B)as one variable changes, the other stays the same. C)both of the variables have been held constant. D)both variables are equally responsible for observed changes in the dependent variable. 45)The only way to avoid confounding two variables is to make sure that A)they vary independently of one another. B)all variables are held constant. C)all variables are allowed to vary freely. D)all variables are properly labeled. 46)Failure to constrain research procedures can result in A)the reduction of confounding. B)researcher bias. C)archival findings. D)artifactual findings. 47)What price is paid for using high-constraint research? A)Loss of internal validity. B)Loss of flexibility. C)Measurement precision is decreased. D)Replicability is reduced. 48)Confounding can result in A)artifacts. B)participant attrition. C)loss of flexibility. D)statistical errors in the calculations. 49)The way to avoid confounding two variables is to A)vary measurement procedures throughout. B)hold constant the variable the researcher is most interested in. C)be especially aware of possible cohort effects. D)make sure the variables vary independently. 50)Which of the following research types represents the highest level of constraint? A)Case-study. B)Correlational. C)Archival. D)Differential. Â


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