1) The science and practice of protecting and improving the health of a community through the use of preventive medicine is known as: A) Public health B) Epidemiology C) Primary prevention D) Injury risk 2) The branch of medicine that deals with the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations is known as: A) Tertiary prevention B) Injury surveillance C) Epidemiology D) Field investigation 3) The intentional or unintentional damage to a person resulting from acute exposure to thermal, mechanical, electrical, or chemical energy is: A) Injury risk B) Injury surveillance C) Health damage D) Injury 4) A(n) ___________ is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of injury data essential to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice. A) Injury surveillance program B) Primary prevention program C) Injury risk program D) Epidemiological program 5) Which one of the following roles does EMS have in public health when providing health care screenings and vaccinations, providing health education, and targeting high-risk populations in an effort to ensure that they are receiving needed medical care? A) Disease surveillance B) Disaster management C) Injury prevention D) Health promotion 6) Common strategies that include child safety seat classes, bicycle safety training, drunk driving education programs, smoking prevention, and swimming pool safety programs fall under which public health role of EMS? A) Health promotion B) Injury prevention C) Policy development D) Disease surveillance 7) Which of the following is NOT a category within public health laws? A) Laws that give public health officials the necessary legal tools to perform their jobs B) Laws allowing public health entities to act in the general interest of the public C) Laws that deal with the incidence and prevalence of disease in large populations D) Laws giving public health agencies power to use epidemiological tools to analyze legal issues 8) How has public health improved both the quality of life and the life span of humankind? A) Through research B) Through epidemiology C) Through surveillance D) All of the above 9) In order to link its EMS and public health systems, a community must have which of the following in place? A) Strong medical oversight over just the EMS system B) Stakeholders having a role in the planning process C) Disaster plans that are drilled and developed at the state level D) A desire to only educate the public health providers 10) A calculation made by subtracting the age at death from 65 is one concept of: A) Analytic studies B) Illness prevention C) Epidemiology D) Linkage 1