9.4 Statistical Analyses 1)Which of the following notations describes the t-test? A)Difference in means divided by an error term. B)Difference in means multiplied by an error term. C)Each mean multiplied by the error. D)An error term divided by the mean differences. 2)Appropriate statistical methods of analysis are selected on the basis of A)the level of measurement of the independent variable. B)whether or not the design was completely randomized. C)the level of measurement of the dependent variable. D)the level of sophistication of the researcher. 3)The chief disadvantage of the t-test is that A)it evaluates only the variance and not the means. B)it is difficult to apply. C)it can only be used when there are three or more groups. D)it can only compare two groups at a time. 4)The analysis of variance (ANOVA) is preferred in studies in which A)there are more than two groups to compare. B)the data are nominal. C)the data are ordered. D)there are only two groups to compare. 5)If all groups in an experiment have approximately the same mean, between-groups variance will be A)large. B)small. C)equal. D)insignificant. 6)Which of the following is true in the one-way ANOVA? A)The total sum of squares = between-groups sum of squares + within-groups sum of squares. B)The total sum of squares = between-group sum of squares divided by within-groups sum of squares. C)The total sum of squares = within-groups sum of squares – between-groups sum of squares. D)The total sum of squares = sum of the means 7)The total sum of squares in a one-way ANOVA is partitioned into A)the between-groups variance and the within-groups variance. B)degrees of freedom and error variance. C)the between-groups sum of squares and the within-groups sum of squares. D)the between-groups sum of squares and the mean square due to error. 8)In doing an ANOVA, dividing each of the sums of squares by the appropriate degrees of freedom will yield A)the average deviation from the mean. B)the F-ratio. C)the probability value. D)the mean squares. 9)The F-test was originated by A)Sir Ronald Fisher. B)B.F. Skinner. C)Hans Eysenck. D)Sir Francis Bacon. 10)The statistical significance of the ANOVA is based on the A)Fisher-Calkin test. B)t-test. C)Pearson product-moment correlation. D)F-test. Â


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