Multiple Choice Questions 1. In the opening segment Chatterton almost lost his life in getting the toolbox from the submarine. Being middle-aged, his reaction to this event was to a. brag about his heroic exploits. b. pump his fists in triumph. c. vow that this would never happen again. d. rationalize that the risk was not as great as he had once thought. 2. The opening segment of Chapter 13 points out that early and middle adulthood is a time of discovery and productivity as evidenced by the discovery of a. uranium. b. a new planet. c. a wrecked U-boat’s identity. d. second careers by homemakers. 3. The developmental periods of early adulthood and middle adulthood encompass which of the following themes? a. how we find fulfilling work b. our searches for love and companionship c. dealing with physical and mental frailties d. all of these 4. People are more likely to become involved in risky hobbies, dangerous jobs, and interpersonal conflicts as they pass from a. childhood into adolescence. b. adolescence into early adulthood. c. early adulthood into middle adulthood. d. middle adulthood into late adulthood. 5. _________ cause the most deaths during early adulthood. a. Unintentional injuries b. Suicide c. HIV d. Assaults 6. ___________ are the greatest threats to life early in adulthood, but ________ become greater threats as we age. a. Cancer and heart disease; assault and HIV b. Unintentional injuries and assault; cancer and heart disease c. Unintentional injuries and heart disease; self-harm and HIV d. Assault and cancer; self-harm and heart disease 7. ___________ rate is the rate of death in a population, often expressed as the number of deaths per 100,000 in a given year. a. Actuarial b. Morbidity c. Mortality d. Longevity 8. By comparing___________ for different age groups and segments of the population, health officials can plan interventions and assess their effectiveness. a. actuarial tables b. mortality rates c. hospital admissions d. the longevity 9. ___________ rate is the frequency of various chronic diseases in a population. a. Actuarial b. Morbidity c. Mortality d. Longevity 10. Health officials use changes in _________ over time to evaluate the success of interventions and to identify emerging issues. a. actuarial tables b. morbidity rates c. the number of vaccinations administered d. the longevity of the population


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